Watch this exclusive interview with the Robinson Center director, Dr. Nancy B. Hertzog.
WATCH IT HERE: Nurturing the Highly Capable Child
ParentMap is a local organization that provides award-winning editorial content, as well as resources for Seattle-based events and programs, "to support parents in their most essential role: that of their child’s first and most important teacher" The group recently asked our director to answer a few questions about how parents can support their highly capable child.
Topics covered in the video include:
- Characteristics and abilities of a highly capable child that parents should look for and encourage
- Basis for having your child tested — or not
- Consideration factors for choosing an education environment for a child identified as highly capable
- Social-emotional needs of gifted children
- How parents can best involve themselves in supporting their highly capable child
- Perspectives from gifted education that inform education for all children
- Qualities that mark an exceptional teacher of highly capable children
- Support systems available to help highly capable children and their families thrive
- Cultivating autonomy and independence in highly capable children
- And more