Building and Safety Resources for RC Students

Robinson Center Safety

Important Phone Numbers

  • Robinson Center Front Desk: 206-543-4160
  • Safe Campus: 206-685-7233
  • UWPD: 911
    • Non-Emergency: 206-543-0507
  • If you would like, you may download the UW's safety app for direct access to safety assistance

Evacuation Protocols

  1. Find the nearest exit
  2. Meet at our evacuation point which is the grassy area between Guggenheim Hall and the Fountain
  3. Check in with one of our floor guardians (they should be wearing neon green hats)
    1. Floor Guardians are Jana, Kayesee, and Jeamel
  4. Wait for their OK to ensure it is safe to go back into the building

Kitchen Safety

Since the RC has a full kitchen students can use, please read carefully and memorize the steps to control a grease fire

  1. Remove the pan from the heat or turn off the stove
  2. If you are able to, put a lid on the pan to smother the fire
  3. If that isn't an option, you may use baking soda to smother smaller fire
  4. Last resort- We have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen that may be used (Jeamel is trained on fire extinguisher safety)
    1. Pull the pin
    2. Aim the nozzle
    3. Squeeze the handle
    4. Sweep towards the fire

Do not try to put out the grease fire with water as that will cause the fire to spread and become wilder

  • Always have someone watch what you are cooking
  • Point any sharp objects away from yourself and others
    • Always cut away from yourself

Earthquake Procedures

DROP, COVER and HOLD ON! Drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy table, bench or desk and hold on. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch down into a ball next to an interior wall.* Move away from windows that may break and furniture or large objects that could fall over.

  • The floor guardians will do a sweep of the building to determine if it's safe to stay inside or evacuate the building.
    • Ideally, we would determine it is safe to stay in the building as it would be more dangerous to go outside just in case of a shockwave

Crime Prevention Tips

  • Be cognizant of your surroundings at all times.
  • Call 911 immediately in an emergency.
  • Avoid confrontations whenever possible.
  • Remove yourself from potentially dangerous situations as soon as possible.

911 Tips

  • Remember the three W's
    • Who is causing the danger?
      • Any description like height, weight, or identifying features
    • What is happening
      • Fire, threat, etc.
    • Where is the danger?
  • If you, for some reason, cannot call 911 and feel threatened, you may use our code word "Dr. Robinson" to any RC staff member and they should know to call 911
    • You can use this as an example: "I would like to speak with Dr. Robinson"

Helpful Information to Pass on to the Police:

  • Clothing descriptors: Look for layers under the visible layer and other distinctive identifiers
  • Physical characteristics: Describe height, weight, eyes, hair, mannerisms, scars/tattoos.
  • Direction of travel (by foot or automobile): Describe the last known location of the suspect.
  • Suspect vehicle description: color, year, model, make and license plate.
  • Any weapons involved.

Important Locations near the RC

  • Evacuation point: In Front of the Guggenheim Hall, on the grassy area between Guggenheim Hall's doors and the fountain
  • Fire Extinguisher Locations:
    • In the RC Kitchen
    • In the hallway in front of room 108
  • Nearest Automated External Defibrillators:
    • In Guggenheim Hall, 2nd floor near men's bathroom on the north side
    • 1st Floor of the HUB, behind the Information Desk

RC Suggestion Box

If you would like to make suggestions, please use this form. It will be anonymous, since it will directly send Jeamel an email with just the suggestion. This means Jeamel will not see your name UNLESS something is submitted that caused concern.
Form for Mobile phones