Rebecca Habtour

Summer Stretch Instructor
Rebecca Habtour

After working as a professional planner and architectural designer in Baltimore, MD and Albuquerque, NM, and doing research work in the Netherlands, Rebecca Habtour has returned to graduate studies to expand on her study of our built environment’s impacts on human happiness. In the UW Ph.D. program in Urban Design and Planning, she is currently focusing on how we may use happiness as an indicator and guide to help us build future infrastructure that allows both humans and nature to flourish. She delights in empowering those around her to more ably observe, understand, design, and ultimately reshape the world around us for the better.  She hopes to see her Robinson Center scholars gain insights that enable them to construct increasingly resilient, healthy, and sustainable urban ecosystems, expanding the solidarity dividends available through beneficial and inclusive infrastructure, and making each new place they touch, a happier one.