Download a Procard Reconciliation Form.
Can I have a Procard – UW VISA Charge card?
The UW’s VISA Procurement Card system is another vehicle to order supplies needed for the Center. Any item below $3,500 may purchase with the exception of staff travel related business. To request and receive authorization for a UW VISA Procard, contact the Administrator.
Individual Cardholder Procedures
Note: a weekly submission of reviewed Procard transactions is required.
Do not charge travel related expenses to the ProCard. These costs will be reimbursed on a Travel Expense Voucher by the Administrator. Bus tickets, ferry tickets for student field trips (not staff) are allowed under the rules/regulations.
Obtain documentation for each transaction – a valid receipt or Perjury Statement. Note: include signed packing slips if received with goods being delivered to the Center (packing slips are required to have the person’s signature, date of receipts, the words “RECVD” or “RCVD” and verification of quantity received (circle qty on the packing slip).
Complete the Procard Reconciliation Form (upper portion). Staple the receipt/invoice/packing slip to the form. It helps if you tape smaller receipts to letter size paper then staple to the completed form.
Access the PaymentNet system via the Procard at
Review and input the following changes/updates:
Check the "Reviewed" box for each transaction.
Check “Add Tax” box if sales tax was not already charged. Note: Some items are non-taxable.
Make detailed notes in the "Notes" section for each transaction reviewed. Input description of item/purpose of the purchase.
For those working with object coding, update the expenditure code.
NOTE: Any purchase can be disputed by checking the dispute box on the PaymentNet Transaction Screen. Before taking this action, you must first try to resolve the dispute with the vendor. If disputing a charge contact the Administrator.
Provide documentation to the Reconciler (Administrator) on a weekly basis. This documentation should include original purchase request, packing slips, online transaction log and any other back-up that will assist the reconciler.
Reconciler/Approver Procedures (Administrator)
Review Procard Reconciliation Form for completeness; ensure receipt, paid invoice and packing slip etc. are attached to the form.
From the ProCard website, go to the PaymentNet Connect:
Reconcile individual accounts weekly
Insure each transaction is marked "Reviewed" or is placed in "Dispute"
Determine that necessary documentation is provided and attached to the Procard Reconciliation Form
Verify object code and budget number and change either as needed
Check the "Reconciled" box for each transaction after review (only one reconciler is required).
Complete the bottom portion of the Procard Reconciliation Form providing Transaction ID, Date, Obj-sub obj code.
Month-End Transaction Report and Review
After cut-off and monthly reconciliation the Reconciler/Approver will print out and send to individual cardholders the Month-End Procard Transaction Report for their review. After the review, sign the report and then return the report to the Reconciler/Approver for maintaining in the Procard master file. A copy of the Procard form and receipt paperwork is placed in the appropriate budget file for budget reconciliation. Original documentation is filed with Monthly Procard Review Reports must be maintained for a minimum retention period of 6 years.