How do I go about updating the internet on the Robinson Center's news?
The Robinson Center broadcast its goings-on in two places: the News section on the front page of the website, and Facebook. Creating and editing news posts is a basic function that all staff members are given access to. It is also recommended that the Office Assistant, Administrator, Program Assistant, and Academic Counseling Intern acquire a Facebook account if they do not already have one they wish to associate with the Robinson Center's page.

When creating news posts, find a photo on the V: drive that coordinates with the program or event, or acquire a picture from someone associated with the news event being posted). This should be set as the "featured image" of the news post, an option found on the bottom right of every "New Post" page. Select a picture with landscape orientation, as the picture will automatically fill the width of the page. Once you have set a featured image, add the text. This may be crafted by you or the person reporting to you on the news event. Check very thoroughly for typos and grammar errors. If there is an RSVP associate with the news post, be sure to link to it here. Include all relevant and concise information, and link to related posts/pages/documents whenever possible. Post the news item on the website, then copy it to Facebook. Note: Be absolutely sure the photo being shown on Facebook is the best possible, because it is nearly impossible to change without deleting the post, which may skew viewing numbers for the worse.

Anytime news is posted, be certain the director is informed and given a link as soon as possible.

How do I rearrange the news or keep certain news at the top?
News on the RC website home page will always arrange itself by date. The date associated with a post can be changed on the right-hand side of the editing page. After changing the date and hitting "OK", be sure to hit "Update" or the date will revert to its previous status. Note: Only three news posts show on the RC front page, and a limit of ten appear on the "News" page at all, so ensure that current important posts stay in the top ten by date, otherwise they will essentially disappear for the viewer. All posts will still be visible in WordPress.