Aside from holding advertising on some key Gifted Education resource sites, the Center has an active presence in the online community through the news section of this website and the Center's Facebook page. If an employee has a new idea regarding social media, please bring it to the Administrator and Director.

How do I get access to editing _________?
Chloe Mahar,, is gatekeeper to most systems, including the center's Facebook page, WordPress management functions, google calendars, listservs, and intranet access. If you're looking for editing power to a specific form in Google, you may have to track down the creator of the form. In most cases, that will be the Academic Counseling Intern or the Administrative Assistant for Google Drive.

How do I edit the Robinson Center website?
Specific staff members are responsible for editing website content for specific programs. For one-time requests to edit information on the website, contact one of the following:

  • General, Calendar, TS- Administrative Assistant
  • Summer, Enrichment - Program Assistant or Program Coordinator
  • UW Academy & Mentor Bank: Academic Counseling Intern/Assistant

If for some reason you require more consistent access to certain areas of the website, contact Chloe to request permission to be an editor or administrator on WordPress.