RC Staff Schedule Forms
Accountability at is governed by policies at a variety of levels, including Federal, State, University, School and Departmental. General policies are listed at the official UW Human Resources website. Check in either the ‘Employee’ or ‘Manager’ sections for policies and information pertaining to the classification of the staff member in mind. Check under ‘Labor Relations’ for Union contracts. Note: The information below is intended to supplement policies listed on the UW HR website and does not replace or supersede it.
Time Recording
Workday is the official UW online system for documenting and tracking classified and professional employee’s earned/used leave hours. The Center’s Leave Coordinator monitors the monthly leave entries.
Note: Each person has one primary supervisor, but may have other supervisors who direct their work. For this document, the term supervisor refers to the primary supervisor.
Work Schedule
- The work week at the Robinson Center is Sunday through Saturday. Exceptions to the work week can be made on an individual basis by the Director and Administrator, otherwise, the work week does not fluctuate.
- Business hours at the RC are 8am-5pm during the Academic Year and Summer Quarter.
- Supervisors are responsible for establishing schedules for all staff and student employees. Once determined, inform all RC staff of the employee’s schedule via email: rc-team@uw.edu. Employees are responsible for both updating and adhering to their schedules; notify your Supervisor before the start of your shift if you cannot be present on time.
- In certain circumstances, and if Union contracts are not in conflict, Supervisors may agree to an Employee’s request to modify their schedule for up to one week. This will allow the Employee to work extra hours on some days and fewer on other, as long as at the end of the week, the hours worked matches the percentage paid. Be aware that overtime is not paid during modified schedules! In unusual situations, an employee may request a 2 week modified schedule, in which case, the increased hours must be worked during the first week.
Note: Employee must complete a Work Schedule Modification Request prior to working that schedule. This form can be found above or at G:\Shared drives\RC General Admin\Admin\Staff Resources\Forms. It is the Employee’s responsibility to get approval from their Supervisor and Director for the modification, and to get the signed request to the Leave Coordinator/Administrator.
Overtime (working over 40 hours/week)
- The Robinson Center will not be authorizing or approving any overtime pay or compensatory time accrual. If a Program requires an employee to work in excess of 40 hours in a work week, their Supervisor and Director will approve a modified work schedule to accommodate the circumstance.
- Supervisors and staff are responsible for knowing who is eligible for overtime and therefore follow HR and Union policies accordingly.
- Planned absences (ie. vacations, doctor’s appointments, surgeries, volunteer work, etc.):
- Planned absences require prior approval by the Supervisor and Director. The time frame for getting approval is triple the time off requested (ie. to request 1 day off, employee needs to submit their request 3 or more days in advance). This may be waived by the Supervisor/Director on a case by case basis.
- It is the Employee’s responsibility to email their direct supervisor, copying the RC Director and Administrator for approval before entering into Workday.
- Supervisors are expected to approve requests for leave if the Program permits. If disapproved, Supervisors need to provide a reason and work with the employee to find a mutually agreeable time for leave.
- Black out periods (times groups are not permitted to be off due to Program needs) must be communicated in advance by the Center and be limited in duration.
- Unplanned absences (ie. getting sick or injured, car trouble, unexpected family situations):
- Advance approval is not required, but communication and documentation are!
- LATE ARRIVAL: If possible, employee needs to call, email or otherwise get word to their Supervisor and Administrator BEFORE the work shift begins. The Administrator will email the RC team with this information. For rare situations where notification is not possible, as soon as arriving, the staff person needs to contact their Supervisor to explain and determine how to handle the absence.
- SICK LEAVE: Please refrain from coming to work if you’re feeling ill! Call or email your Supervisor and Administrator BEFORE the work shift begins.
- If taken sick while at work, before leaving, contact your Supervisor in person to make arrangements for coverage of duties. Supervisors will need to relay the leave on to the Administrator.
- Leave Without Pay is used when no leave or comp time is available for use. As soon as leave without pay is requested by email to the Supervisor and Administrator, the documentation needs to be forwarded to the RC Director prior to a decision being made.
- Time off using other forms of leave such as Family and Medical Leave, shared leave, leaves of absence, or disability require other forms and approvals. Contact your Supervisor and Administrator for additional information.
- Medical authorization may be requested by Supervisors for any periods of sick leave, and is commonly expected for absences in excess of 3 consecutive work days.
- Employees who are required to telecommute need to confirm that with their Supervisor when hired.
- Other employees may telecommute if their work can be done remotely, they have demonstrated above average accountability practices, and can follow the requirements of the UW Teleworking Policy. Departmental approval is required by the Director and Administrator, and is typically for a limited duration such as one year.
- Telecommuting may be approved at limited times by the Director during inclement weather or disaster, if appropriate. An email notification approving telecommuting will be sent out to involved staff.